Why A Philosopher?

You've tried consultants, coaches, trainers, and motivational speakers out the yin yang, and yet, still, something is not quite right. And while all those professions can provide ideas and add value, only a true philosopher can take you and your team to a deeper level, where the ideas, beliefs, and mental models that guide your behaviors, choices, and results are born.

A philosopher guides you in exploring what you and your organization truly want to accomplish, as well as how best to align your practices, policies, procedures, and ultimately your profits, with your deepest principles and values. Through dialogue, interaction, and enquiry, the philosopher takes you on a journey of discovery, purpose, and proficiency so that your intention and attention work in harmony to produce the results you truly desire.

The work can take many forms from intensive retreats to weekly meetings, from team webinars, to one-on-one exploration sessions, from keynote speeches to ongoing values clarification groups. The form and format is always custom tailored to meet individual and organizational needs.

To find out more about renting a philosopher, just email RentAPhilosopher@gmail.com.

What Can a Philosopher Do For You?

Have you ever questioned what the hell it's all about? Have you ever asked " Is that all there is?" Have you ever wondered: What is the meaning of life? Who am I? Why am I here? What am I suppose to be doing? If you've asked these BIG Questions, or even thought about asking them, and have yet to discover satisfying and fulfilling answers, a philosopher can help.

A true philosopher helps you explore the most important arenas of life -- identity, meaning, relationship, vocation, Spirit, and even death. Through this exploration you become happier, more productive, more authentic, more your self.

Working with a philosopher can take many forms from individual sessions to group workshops, from values clarification to metaphysical mapping, from reading and discussing certain texts to writing your own philosophy of life. Individuals, couples, businesses, and not-for-profit organizations can all use Rent A Philosopher to improve the quality of their lives.

Simply email RentAPhilospher@gmail.com to schedule your FREE initial consultation.